Laboratory of Automated design of mechanisms and machines

Rojina Maria  

   Rojina Maria - laboratory chief

Academic workloads of laboratory:

Carrying out practical and laboratory classes by the following academic disciplines using modern computer design software. Also carrying out academic hours for term projects and graduation projects, student scientific circles for students of all specialties of Faculty:

Machine elements and basis of mechanical design

Theory of machines and mechanisms

Fundamentals of design and operation of process equipment

Engineering of motor transport companies and car service stations

Production and technical structure of motor companies

Material and technical base:

Under the program of development of NEFU the department of exploitation highway transportation and car service has received the following software worth more than 1 million rubles:

1. KOMPAS 3D V 13.

2. AutoCAD educational version.

3. Solid Works 2011.

4. APM WinMachine 2010.

5. DM-Monster PRO.

6. T-flex CAD 3D.


These programs allow you to model and design the technical devices of various complexity which meet modern requirements, and calculate their strength, durability, and reliability.

Total seats - 20 (20 modern personal computers)