
  • 31 Мая 2017
  • 859

Южный федеральный университет приглашает к участию в VI Международной школе для молодых ученых «Интеллектуальные материалы»

Registration is now open for the IWSN2017 the 6th International School for Young Researchers "Smart Nanomaterials and X-ray and Electron Spectroscopy using Free Electron Lasers"!

The preliminary IWSN2017 Programme is available  here.

The IWSN2017 Flyer is available  here.

Location & dates

The Smart Materials Research Centre, Southern Federal University 

Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 

11-15 September 2017


Registration – 1st July 2017
Abstract Submission – 15th July 2017

  • Synthesis of functional materials (metal organic frameworks, noble metal catalysts, photo- and magneto- switchable molecules, colloidal nanoparticles).
  • Characterization (in-situ synchrotron studies, time-resolved spectroscopy, free electron lasers).
  • Computer modelling (structure prediction, electronic and magnetic properties, multiscale modelling, molecular dynamics, interaction of light with matter, spectroscopy).

IWSN 2017, the 6th International School for Young Researchers will address:

  • the cutting-edge research into theoretical and experimental design of nanostructures by bringing together the fields of Chemistry, Physics, and Computer Science;
  • the use of computer simulation methods, synthesis and in-situ studies of nanostructures.

Since 2010, the IWSN series:

  • has built on the success of international collaboration in presenting and sharing recent ground-breaking findings on advanced materials and characterization techniques;
  • has been exposing young scientists to the state-of-the-art research methods in materials science in an integrated and highly collaborative environment.

Why attend?
  • Receive hands-on knowledge delivered by top scientists, special guest lecturers and colloquia speakers in your field of expertise;
  • learn about and discuss your scientific benefit when using the new European XFEL radiation source for your research;
  • present and discuss your own research in the presence of experienced international team of researchers (poster & oral presentations, ‘round-table’ discussions);
  • enjoy a space for interaction & establish new and exciting ties with other young researchers;
  • receive intensive instruction through on-site visits to relevant IRC “Smart Materials” experimental facilities;
  • and many more…

IWSN2017 is kindly supported by:
The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Megagrant of the Russian Federation Government no. 14.Y26.31.0001).

Приглашение для участия в школе

Автор: Отдел организации и сопровождения НИР

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