Local regulatory acts of NEFU


Local regulatory acts of NEFU

The Order No. 239-OD of March 16, 2020 “On the organization of the activities of the North-Eastern Federal University in the prevention of the spread of a new coronavirus infection”

The Rector’s order No. 251-OD of March 18, 2020 "On the activities of NEFU in the context of preventing the spread of a new coronavirus infection in the Russian Federation"

The Rector’s order No. 252-OD of March 18, 2020 "On the supplement to the order" On the organization of activities of the North-Eastern Federal University in the context of preventing the spread of a new coronavirus infection" dated March 16, 2020 No. 239-OD

The Order No. 22-06R of March 18, 2020 "On the announcement of early holidays and the transfer of students to distance learning technologies in the Specialized Educational and Scientific Center - University Lyceum"

The Order No. 24-06r of March 23, 2020 "On the activities of structural units of NEFU in the context of preventing the spread of a new coronavirus infection in the Russian Federation"

The Rector’s order No. 280-OD of March 24, 2020 "On amendments to Order No. 239-OD of March 16, 2020" On the organization of activities of the Northeast Federal University in the context of preventing the spread of a new coronavirus infection "

The Order No. 29-06P of March 27, 2020 "On measures to ensure the safe functioning of NEFU infrastructure facilities"

The Rector’s order No. 307-OD of April 04, 2020 "On measures to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 2, 2020 No. 239" On measures to ensure sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population on the territory of the Russian Federation in connection with the spread of new coronavirus infection ( COVID-2019) "