Students research work

The students research works department, young scientists and specialists of Medical institute of the North-Eastern federal university of M. K. Ammosov is a branch of NEFU’s department.

Main objectives of work:

• assistance in realization of organic unity of training and participation in scientific work of students, accumulation of experience and professional development of young scientists and employees;

• creation of prerequisites for self-realization of personal creative abilities of students and young scientists;

• rising of mass character and productivity of participation of students and young scientists in scientific activity;

• assistance to scientific development and active participation of students and young scientists in carrying out scientific researches and innovative activity of NEFU;

• representation of interests of students and young scientists in various aspects of research activity.

At medical institute more than 700 students are annually involved in research activity thanks to work of 76 student's scientific clubs. Students take active part in various scientific and practical conferences, workshops and forums of university, on regional, national and international level.

Students research works results

The quantity approved and working by order of student's clubs increased in Medical institute with 33 in 2009 to 70 in 2013. The number of members of students scientific society increased from 165 people to 350 in 5 years. Thus, coverage of students with research work makes 20%.

Annually the number of participants of the international scientific conferences increases, in 5 years 18 exhibits on expositions at various levels are presented. In co-operation with students the Russian Federation Patent is taken out and 2 know-how are registered.

In 2009 students won 2 grants of the President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), in 2011 6 grants of various level and in 2012 – 4 were won.

In total, since 2009 students published 530 works, including 213 – without coauthors.

Annually students participate in paid research work, including state budgetary and creative competitions.