Practices of geographers

Professional skills and experience practices (Research and manufacturing internship)

Research and manufacturing internship of 3rd year of a bachelor’s degree (4 weeks) is carried out by the Scientific Course of the Ecological and Geographical department of the Institute of Natural Sciences. The main purpose of the internship is acquisition skills of scientific research and their usage in geographical and tourist-recreational research, as well as the development of the skills of field (expeditionary, stationary) and laboratory works.

The internship is carried out at external organizations, as well as at the departments of the university with the necessary personnel and scientific potential. For persons with disabilities, the place of the internship is based on their health state. Following the results of the internship, the certification of students is carried out at the department meeting.

There are various ways of conducting the internship, which depend on the specifics of each discipline (students practice at bases and different field areas, others organize bus and railway routes, third combine stationary and excursion and introducing forms.) Stationary internships usually always the same, while travel internships can change year after year.

The internship is divided into three stages: preparatory, field and laboratory.

Preparatory stage - one week. Students of the 3rd year must obtain permission for the internship and receive a field safety briefing for different environments and landscapes (on land and water, in the taiga, in mountains, in settlements).

Students receive internship tasks and are explained on how to keep an internship diary. Students are given an internship program for a specific term and a specific territory directly from the supervisor. Students are introduced to the relevant materials for the internship, as well as to the area of the field research.

Field (expeditionary) stage - two weeks. Students collect material on their chosen subject research at the beginning of this stage by applying scientific methods of research in practice and in accordance with the received instructions and exercises. During the practice, students are advised not only by their supervisor but also by the specialists and managers at the place of the internship.

Cameral stage. At the end of the practice, students write a report in cameral conditions, protect their work, demonstrate their results of practical activity, which involves carrying out an analysis of subject area of study in accordance with the task on the basis of real data of specific territory, which is the place of practice.