of the General Biology Department of NEFU INS


The laboratory was founded by combining two structures of biology departments on the basis of Order #748-BO from 09.06.2016. (Act #09 from 25.05.2016). The laboratory was approved in 27.05.2016.

The main mission of the laboratory: introduction of innovative trend of cell biology and molecular plant biotechnology to research, innovative, and educational activities of NEFU INS with the formation of a scientific and pedagogical group of young and promising people; providing infrastructure for completing theses, profiles, and research practices of students, courseworks and diplomas of bachelors of “Genetics”, “General Biology”, and newly created innovative area 020400 “Biology” sections; in the long term - scientific, methodological, and infrastructure support to the master's core educational programs "Physiology and Cell Biology of Plants", "Molecular Biotechnology", and "Bioengineering" (in foreign language).


Educational and scientific laboratory «Cell technologies», in turn, was created as a part of the Development Program of NEFU for 2010-2019 in carrying out planned activities of 1.2.2 Project 2.4 on the basis of the Order of NEFU #820-BO from 25.10.2011. The laboratory was approved in February 2013, with three selected staff units - head of the laboratory, engineer, and technician.

Educational and scientific laboratory «Molecular genetic technologies»  was created as a part of the Development Program of NEFU for 2010-2019 in carrying out planned activities of 2.37, 2.34 Project 2.4 on the basis of the Order of NEFU #761-BO from 07.10.2011. The laboratory was approved in February 2013, with two selected staff units – head of the laboratory and engineer.