Учебно-научная лаборатория "Философские основы гражданской культуры"


Виктория Власьевна Михайлова
Заведующая лабораторией, к.филос.н., доцент


Телефон (факс): 8 914 2206437

Эл. почта: philos-svfu@mail.ru

Сайт: www.philos.s-vfu.ru

Лаборатория создана 28 апреля 2011г. приказом №331-ОД ректора СВФУ.

Лаборатория исследует становление гражданской культуры местного сообщества. Видами деятельности лаборатории стали:

- учебно-методическая работа по овладению студентами культурных компетенций гражданина;

- научно-исследовательская работа по изучению закономерностей становления гражданского общества, разработке и внедрению гуманитарных технологий;

- общественно-просветительская практика по формированию гражданской культуры в различных общественных средах.

Нашими принципами являются открытость – мы готовы к сотрудничеству; демократичность – мы готовы открытому диалогу при условии равенства сторон; креативность – каждый имеет право предлагать свои идеи и проекты;свобода и ответственность – каждый имеет право самореализоваться.

Мы будем рады Вашим предложениям и сотрудничеству.

Philosophy of Civil Culture

research educational laboratory

Established 28 April, 2011

The laboratory is focused on researching specific sides of civil culture birth and civil culture functioning in local community.

The laboratory -

- develops methods and teaching programs for raising students’ cultural competence and their becoming mature citizens;

- does research in civil culture birth and civil culture functioning in local community, develops and introduces non-science technologies;

- does public and educational work for forming civil culture in different spheres of social life


Victoria Mikhailova, Associate Professor (Cand. Sc. (Philosophy))

Sphere of interests: cultural anthropology, forms of preserving ethnic identity in the modern world

Victor Mikhailov, Professor (Doctor of Philosophy)

Sphere of interests: philosophy of consensus, birth of civil society

Valeriy Nadkin, Associate Professor (Cand. Sc. (Philosophy))

Sphere of interests: birth and development of self-government in circumstances of transformation of Russian Federation

Petr Zhondorov, Associate Professor (Cand. Sc. (Philosophy))

Sphere of interests: role of national intelligentzia in society, intelligentsia and state

Natalia Pavlova, Associate Professor (Cand. Sc. (Philosophy))

Sphere of interests – nature and culture, cultural geography, idea of a territory

Anastasia Kharabaeva, English Teacher, completed post-graduate studies in Philosophy, Grants and Programs Support Center Assistant of North-Eastern Federal University

Sphere of interests in Philosophy: ethnicity as a social phenomenon, axiological approach in studying ethnicity

Alexeii Pudov, Associate Professor (Cand. Sc. (Philosophy)),

Sphere of interests: common factors of information civilization

Vladimir Starostin, Associate Professor (Cand. Sc. (Philosophy)),

Sphere of interests: philosophy of charity

Alexander Maksimov, Assistant Professor

Sphere of interests: manipulation of consciousness as a phenomenon of modern media


Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy, High School of Music, Institute of Management, Department of Peoples’ Affairs of Sakha (Yakutia) Republic

We have a state grant for research project “Problems of Ethnic groups and Confessions in Sakha (Yakutia) Republic” (2011-2013).

We organize round tables, business games, forums, focus groups, conferences, seminars, lectures, thematic meetings.

Laboratory Projects

Development and introduction of courses Ethics and Culture of Management, Logics and Theory of Argumentation, Aesthetics, Rhetoric, Religion Studies

Public round-table: «New Humanitarian Library».

Discussion club for post-graduate students «Credeexperto».

International Conference «Nature and Culture», 13-15 June, 2012г., Yakutsk, North-Eastern Federal University

Interuniversityseminars: «Electoral Culture».

Discussion Club «Civil Culture».

Research project “Problems of Ethnic groups and Confessions in Sakha (Yakutia) Republic”

Our main Principles are

to be open to everyone – we are ready for cooperation, we are ready for dialogue,

creativity – everyone can offer his ideas and projects,

freedom and responsibility – everyone can realize themselves and their projects
